Concettina Died and Other Stories of the East Side

"I support the immigrants." posted May 1, 2006 at 08:29 PM


I caught the tail end of today's immigrant march in lower Manhattan. My position is this: allow for more legal immigrants to enter the country every year, work out a fair and generous amnesty program for those who have already entered the country illegally, tighten the borders somewhat to protect national security as well as protecting the safety of those who try to cross illegally.

We must be generous and open to those who want to come here to work. We need to encourage them and help them so they can bring their families rather than illegally stay here and send their money back to their native countries.

Everyone in this country, except for the Native Americans of course, is descended from immigrants. Some came here legally, some came illegally, and some came, we should never forget, under force as slaves and servants. Together, the descendents of all those have built a great country. Our government should remember that when making policy.

In other immigrant news, Marco's recently posted story is about immigration, too. Check it out.

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